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Liquid ring vacuum pumps and compressors -DOLPHIN

Liquid ring vacuum pumps and compressors -DOLPHIN

The compact solution for challenging environments
  • Compact monobloc design
  • Extremely high vapor and particle tolerance
  • For harsh process conditions
  • Various sizes and versions

DOLPHIN LX 0030–0055 B

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 25 m³/h Max. 56 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LX 0110–0180 C

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 72 m³/h Max. 144 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LX 0260–0430 C

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 200 m³/h Max. 455 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

The complete solution

  • Unit installed on stainless steel base frame with integrated separator
  • Wide range of processes
  • System control complete with instrumentation
  • Partial or total recirculation system

DOLPHIN VX 0030/0055 A Partial Recirculation

DOLPHIN VX 0110-0180 A Partial Recirculation

DOLPHIN VX 0030/0055 A Partial Recirculation

DOLPHIN VX 0110-0180 A Partial Recirculation

Robust principle, modern design
  • Extremely high vapor and particle tolerance
  • For harsh process conditions
  • Universal flanges
  • Various sizes and versions
  • Easy servicing

The complete solution

  • Unit installed on base frame
  • Operating fluid separator
  • System control
  • Wide range of sizes
  • Continuous flow, partial or total recirculation system

A Continuous Flow

DOLPHIN VL 0100–0270
DOLPHIN VL 0130–0320
DOLPHIN VL 0430–0750
DOLPHIN VL 0530–0800


A Partial Recirculation

DOLPHIN VL 0100–0270
DOLPHIN VL 0130–0320
DOLPHIN VL 0430–0750
DOLPHIN VL 0530–0800

A Total Recirculation

DOLPHIN VL 0100–0270
DOLPHIN VL 0130–0320
DOLPHIN VL 0430–0750
DOLPHIN VL 0530–0800

Reliable vacuum for a variety of chemical processes
  • Extremely high vapor and particle tolerance
  • For harsh process conditions
  • Various sizes and versions
  • Different operating fluids possible

DOLPHIN LA 0053–0143 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 50 m³/h Max. 190 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 130 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LA 0224–0475 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 220 m³/h Max. 570 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 130 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LA 0756/0906 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 750 m³/h Max. 1100 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 130 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LB 0063–0184 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 60 m³/h Max. 225 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LB 0265–0425 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 260 m³/h Max. 500 m³/h

Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LB 0526/0726 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 520 m³/h Max. 770 m³/h

Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LB 0857–1757 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 850 m³/h Max. 2000 m³/h

Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LB 2108–3108 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 2100 m³/h Max. 3500 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LB 3809/4409 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 2500 m³/h Max. 4400 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

Our largest liquid ring vacuum pumps
  • Extremely high vapor and particle tolerance
  • For harsh process conditions
  • Various sizes and versions
  • Different operating fluids possible



DOLPHIN LR 0210/0300 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 1175 m³/h Max. 3010 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LR 0420/0580 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 2250 m³/h Max. 5300 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

DOLPHIN LR 0700/1190 A

Nominal pumping speed: Min. 4920 m³/h Max. 11900 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 33 hPa(mbar)

The perfect solution for flare gas recovery
  • API-681 standard
  • ATEX-certified
  • Minimum thermal expansion
  • Modular design
  • Easy cleaning with hot steam
  • Test run without operating fluids possible
  • Easy start function
DOLPHIN LN 3001/3002 A (Former NSB SB 1.25/2.25)

Volume flow: Min. 2300 m³/h Max. 3200 m³/h
Overpressure: Min. 3 bar(a) Max. 10 bar(a)